Thursday, June 8, 2017

Ownership: A lost value

When going in to an interview in the workplace nowadays, everyone is looking for the quality of integrity. We want to work for an employer that has integrity. We want to pick the candidate that exudes integrity. But what about ownership? When faced with the truth that you made a mistake, how do you handle it? Do you own up to it?

As a parent, I have always taught my children that there is NOTHING that they can do to lose my love, and to hide their mistakes is far more costly in my eyes. To me, it's a biblical approach. I know that if I screw up, God will bless the mess if I confess (I like rhyming, it's just more fun). So that's what I try to instill in my children. It's not perfect, and you may not agree, but I think it's good. I'll let you know the outcome in about 50 years ;)

However, in the business world, I find it hard to impress this value in adult employees. Being an operations manager for the last several years, I get the fun task of confronting people with their mistakes, in the hopes that they will learn from it. Here's what I've witnessed: "Who me? Couldn't be...", or "Well, see what happened was...", or "I saw so-and-so doing it, so I thought it must be ok..." and you get the picture now, right? It's becoming more rare that someone just says "you're right, I was wrong". I know that's what I try to do. And I make mistakes! Trust me. Just because I may be in a leadership position, doesn't mean I am perfect. I actually think it's learning from the mistakes that have helped me in my path to leadership.

So here's your takeaway: when someone in your life brings your mistake to your attention, take ownership! 'Fess up. Move on. Learn from it. Grow. Because after all, if my 3 year old can do it, you can too.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Resolution Checkpoint

April 1st is around the corner. I swear as I get older, time is moving so much faster! But as I sit and evaluate what I've accomplished in 2017 thus far, I am reminded of my New Year's Resolutions. Remember? Those promises you made to yourself on January 1st with the hopes of a newer, better version of yourself just within reach.

At the beginning of this year, one of my dear sweet friends gave me the suggestion to pray over a "word" that I would stand on this year for the changes or resolutions I would make. As I thought about it, I realized I did this very thing last year without intention. I started the year in a job I was not happy in and had just suffered a miscarriage. I prayed and prayed and God kept telling me to "trust" Him. So I did. I would get up in the morning, read my Jesus Calling devotional (love that book, don't you?) and literally research all scripture with the word "trust" in it so that I could recite it to myself when I was living in my pity party. I believed Him. I trusted Him. Can I tell you that by the end of the year, I not only found the best job I've ever had, but I also was given my 3rd beautiful baby boy Connor!!! Talk about immeasurably more!

Now this year... God gave me the word VICTORY. And I made the resolution that I am going to claim victory over my health, my finances, and my marriage. While none of these things are necessarily in a catastrophic state, they could surely use a little TLC. I've made some progress but I'm certainly not there yet, which brings me to my point. The resolutions we make so often fail because we don't stay the course.

We live in a world of instant gratification. A world where you can pick up your phone and do anything. Need to video chat with someone across the world? Check. Need to go shopping and receive your item the next day? Check. Need someone to deliver your meals or groceries? Check. The problem with this is that when we make a resolution or goal, and we don't see immediate results, we don't stay the course. Life gets in the way, especially if you're a mom like me. All of a sudden, we're pulling out our Christmas decorations wondering where the heck the year went.

So listen close sisters. Lean in. This is where it gets good. Every day is a new chance to pick back up where you left off. Who cares if it isn't January 1st?! Make a new resolution. Make it today! If summer rolls around, and you still haven't quite accomplished it, make it again! Commit to yourself that you will accomplish it by the end of the year. No one said it had to be completed by the end of the month. And if you're a believer like me, ask God to reveal to you what your resolution should be. I really can't think of a better accountability partner than Him ;)

"Now this I know: the Lord gives VICTORY to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God" - Psalm 20:6-7