Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It will work this time

As many times as I have started a blog, I have quit. The truth is I love to write! Sit me down with a pen and paper and I'll be good for hours. It's always been my "thing". And lately I feel as though I am really meant to be putting my thoughts out there for anyone who wants to read them. I intend to use this blog as a diary of sorts and be able to share any thoughts or adventures my family goes through. That's the first thing I should explain, the blog name "Famlee". No, I'm not illiterate. My last name is Lee so I've just kind of made a play on the word. I have been married for over 3 years to my husband Brian, and we have 2 boys who are currently 1 (Easton) and 3 (Nolan), I also have a 9yr old stepson (Asher) . Just the fact that I am surviving in my house surrounded by testosterone is blog-worthy enough. We are very involved in our church so you will find scripture, prayers and some devotionals on some days too. And I also love to read so you may hear me talking about books now and then. My hope is that some of my entries will make you laugh, think, cry, or just thank God for all of your blessings. So come along, stay a while, and always feel free to let me know what you think.

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