Wednesday, December 3, 2014

When I'm feeling rather unkind

So as I was driving to work this morning and went through the toll, a gentleman in a huge truck cut me off. I was just driving along, speeding back up as everyone does, paying no mind, and he came out of nowhere, revved his engine up and cut me off. My first honest reaction was "Ok buddy!!!!" (I've been working on my language so buddy would have formerly been an a-hole). And then I stopped. And I gave him an excuse. 

My excuse for his cutting me off was "Well clearly his wife is in labor and he's rushing to get there so he doesn't miss his first baby boy being born!" 

And then he proceeded to throw McDonald's trash out of his window as we drove over the bridge and again, I had to dig deep and give him an excuse. For his littering I said "Well obviously he is eating his breakfast on the way to the hospital and the bag caught on fire and he had to get it out of the truck as quickly as possible!" 

More trash followed and I just repeated "it was a big fire, forming fast" 

Now here's the thing, and pay attention: we know his wife wasn't in labor. We know his trash and truck weren't catching fire. But after I made up these ridiculous scenarios I was able to continue my morning drive in peace and serenity. I actually had a few laughs. It wasn't about the truck driver anymore. Or his habit of littering. It was about me moving on and not letting other people affect my mood or day. The truth is, we don't ever know what people are going through or why they do the things they do. We can only control our own words and actions. So wouldn't you rather put a positive spin on something than drag bitterness around like an unwanted thorn? 

Just try it the next time someone makes you frustrated. Give them an excuse. Even if it doesn't take all the anger away, at least it's also engaging your creative side ;) 

"Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up" -Proverbs 12:25 NIV